Monday, June 2, 2014

Crazy weekend....

Well we had a very eventful weekend, starting with Maleficent on Friday. Loved it!! The kids actually wanted to go back the next day to see it again. Needless to say, we will be owning it as soon as it comes out on DVD. The story line was different than what you would expect if you know the story of Sleeping Beauty. It was all for the better though. Loved it!

Then Sunday, we were hanging my wooden sign in the living room and disaster happen! The screw somehow punctured our AC line..... This was a very bad mistake and very expensive. Unfortunately since this happen on the weekend, we had a charge for a service call even though it could not be fixed until TUESDAY! No AC in AZ is NO FUN!! At least we have the upstairs air available since it is going to be the hottest day of the year so far.....

Hoping to update with good news tomorrow..... have a great day!!

Friday, May 30, 2014

First Day of Summer with the Munchkins..... This should be FUN!

So today is the official first day of summer for me and my munchkins. This is actually the first summer that I am a stay at home mom with them...

So what do I do??? Start scoping out Pinterest for some great ideas to do with them for the summer. Mind you, they go back to school the last week of July, so it's not the same time frame as when I was growing up.

Today is going to be our Friday Fun Night.... and what's on the agenda tonight.... Maleficent!!! Opening night is going to be crazy, but we have literally been counting down the days for this to come out. Tomorrow I will have a review on the movie.... I can't wait!!

I'm enjoying the calm this morning since the kids have decided to sleep in.... we will see how long this lasts.

Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Together.... a great place to be - Wooden Sign

This weekend I had started a project for our home. It's a wooden sign that is to be hung in our loft area. I wanted the wording on it to be meaningful so I searched for some sayings on Pinterest and then decided to take my coupons to Joann Fabrics and see what they had to offer in the vinyl sayings that they carry. I found one that really stands for what our little family is ..... "Together... a great place to be"

So I nailed my boards together, each are 36 inches long and used a flat spray paint to give them color. After letting the paint dry, I applied the vinyl wording to my sign. Once they were placed where I wanted them, I applied a glossy clear coat spray paint to seal the lettering. Here is my finished project :)

 Together.... A great place to be Wooden Sign

I'm Back....

Wow a lot has happen in the past few months. I hope the holidays were good to you.

As for me, at the beginning of the year, we found out that we were expecting another little munchkin in September 2014, but sadly our baby boy passed away. No one can ever be prepared to hear that your child passed away. I must say, I am still emotionally healing from this. I had Jaxson Thomas on April 23, 2014. I was just 17 weeks and 4 days along.... in the second trimester. It was considered a late missed miscarriage. I was always told once you are out of the first trimester, you are in the clear. Needless to say that is never the case. You never know what to expect until you have that precious little baby in your arms.

Now it is time to find the new normal..... nothing will ever be the same normal as it was before our loss. I'm still crafting and staying busy. I think that is the only way to keep my sanity. I must say that being back here and sharing with you is one of the most freeing feelings right now. Being able to share my stories and maybe reach someone that may have similar experiences.

That being said, I hope you have a wonderful day full of smiles and love......