Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Another busy day in the life of Mama

Tuesdays are always our chaotic days! Scouts and Cheer... need I say more?!

Getting really excited about our upcoming vacation..... well in October! Had a great day yesterday.... the hubster is now training for a higher position which will help us tremendously! WTG Baby!!!

Today I have the task of taking Maddie's Flute into the shop and prepping for my cub scout meeting tonight. Award night tonight and I am excited and nervous at the same time since I will be preforming a bob cat ceremony for one of my wolf cubs.... wish me luck!!!!

Well, I have to get off of here and get some housework done before I get unmotivated..... see you all soon!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Stay at Home Mamas need money too....

So I have decided that I can still contribute to our family income with a home based business. I tried AVON and it was great for a while, but fizzled out quick with little to no money in my pocket. So I have done my research and a lot of thinking.... I have decided to join the Origami Owl team.....

I am super excited and know that this is something that my daughter will eventually like to join me in later! So I signed up for the waiting list.... Yes, I said waiting list to become a designer.... Hopefully this happens soon since I would love to share my stuff for Christmas! Wish me luck!!! I am ready to be off and running soon!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

There's no down time for Mama

So I have been having issues with my mouth since I took a newer medication. Since stopping the medication, my gums and teeth have not been the same so I put my big girl panties on and went to the dentist. Come to find out, I need both wisdom teeth extracted on the bottom.... UGH!

So here I am, swollen face and in pain, but there is no down time for a mama..... still time to make dinner and help with homework.... Hope everyone else is having a great day!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Morning.... A day with my munchkins.....

Today is the day of the week that I look forward to.... a day with my munchkins....

Dinner is planned and I have already ran my errands, did some housework, etc....

Now it's time to plan my activities with the munchkins.... homemade play dough and maybe another project... And of course I have to plan dessert since the hubster is a fan of my new found obsession of trying new desserts.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Canning Anyone?

I am loving being a stay at home mom! And while I am at home, I have noticed that I am actually using the pins that I have accumulated on Pinterest.....

With this said, I am going to attempt to start canning! I am excited and I think the hubster is too. First things first.... I have to get some mason jars and I think they have a canning kit at Joann Fabrics or at Walmart. Maybe Amazon.... either way, I think that this would be a good opportunity to learn something new and share it with my munchkins.

Maybe they can pass it on to their kids later in life.... I think my first canning projects will be homemade dill pickles and orange marmalade made especially for my father in law.... wish me luck!

Good Morning Sunshine....

I have been up since around 4 am.... Not complaining though. I love getting up and spending time with the hubster before he leaves for work, plus I had to make his lunch....

Today is my catch up day.... I will be finishing all of the things that I did not get to yesterday. Oh and it is half day for the kiddos.....

Banana muffins in the oven and getting the kiddos moving. On the menu for dinner tonight, Mama's Famous Chicken Casserole... I will add this recipe today with pictures! Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I love rainy days....

It's raining out and it inspires me to bake.... craft..... clean....

Should be a productive day in the Estrada house.... Thinking I am going to make a banana cream pie, finish some fun crafts that I will gladly post on here for your viewing pleasure.

Laundry is on my list of to dos and maybe I will finally get to the loft.... The highlight of my day will be planning an activity for Cub Scout Parent Info Night...tonight!

See you later.....

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The first Saturday of every month.... Home Depot Day!!!

I love it when I am able to find inexpensive things to do with the kiddos. Especially the Home Depot kid craft days! This is the day that the kids get to go and pound out a project.... FOR FREE! They get an apron, their project materials and a collector's pin. It's fun and they are able to use tools that they normally do not use on a day to day basis. It helps with hand - eye coordination and helps them learn how to use their critical thinking skills.... Best of all, you do not have to register to do them. I found that Lowes offers the same thing, but they have limited spots so you have to register way in advance in order to get a spot. At Home Depot, all you have to do is show up between 9am and 12 noon. Easy Peazy!

Next up... eye doctor appointments for the kids, then my monthly grocery trip.... Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Just one of those days....

Tossed and turned all night with a bad toothache that has decided to stick around for a bit.... Guess it's a good day for some chick flicks! watching movies while cleaning the kitchen makes it a lot better....