Monday, June 2, 2014

Crazy weekend....

Well we had a very eventful weekend, starting with Maleficent on Friday. Loved it!! The kids actually wanted to go back the next day to see it again. Needless to say, we will be owning it as soon as it comes out on DVD. The story line was different than what you would expect if you know the story of Sleeping Beauty. It was all for the better though. Loved it!

Then Sunday, we were hanging my wooden sign in the living room and disaster happen! The screw somehow punctured our AC line..... This was a very bad mistake and very expensive. Unfortunately since this happen on the weekend, we had a charge for a service call even though it could not be fixed until TUESDAY! No AC in AZ is NO FUN!! At least we have the upstairs air available since it is going to be the hottest day of the year so far.....

Hoping to update with good news tomorrow..... have a great day!!